Selected Papers
(Full list available on ORCID)
Williams EH, Thompson NM, McCray G, Crespo-Llado MM, Bhavnani S, Gajria D, ... & Chakrabarti B (2024). Scalable transdiagnostic early assessment of mental health (STREAM): a study protocol. BMJ open, 14(6), e088263.(pdf)
Jertberg RM, Begeer S, Geurts HM, Chakrabarti B, & Van der Burg E (2024). Age, not autism, influences multisensory integration of speech stimuli among adults in a McGurk/MacDonald paradigm. European Journal of Neuroscience (pdf)
Zhao C, Ong JH, Veic A, Patel AD, Jiang C, Fogel AR, Wang L, Hou Q, Das D, Crasto C, Chakrabarti B, Williams TI, Loutrari A & Liu F (2024). Predictive processing of music and language in autism: Evidence from Mandarin and English speakers. Autism Research. (pdf)
Jertberg RM, Begeer S, Geurts HM, Chakrabarti B, & Van der Burg E (2024): Perception of temporal synchrony not a prerequisite for multisensory integration. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 4982. (pdf)
Fusaro M, Fanti V, Chakrabarti B (online first): Greater interpersonal distance in adults with autism, Autism Research (pdf)
Dubey I, Bishain R, Dasgupta J, Bhavnani S, Belmonte MK, Gliga T, Mukherjee D, Lockwood-Estrin G, Johnson MH, Chandran S, Patel V, Gulati S, Divan G, & Chakrabarti B (online first). Using mobile health technology to assess childhood autism in low-resource community settings in India: an innovation to address the detection gap. Autism (pdf)
Williams EH, Thompson NM, McCray G, & Chakrabarti B (2023): Autistic traits modulate the influence of face masks on gaze perception, Scientific Reports (pdf)
Thompson N, van Reekum C, & Chakrabarti B (2023): Emotion dysregulation modulates visual perspective taking and spontaneous facial mimicry, Emotion (pdf)
Williams E, & Chakrabarti B (2023). The Integration of Head and Body Cues during the Perception of Social Interactions, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (pdf)
Chakrabarti B (2023). Autism in India: Time for a national programme, Indian Journal of Medical Research, 157, 227-229 (pdf)
Dey I, Chakrabarty S, Nandi R, Shekhar R, Singhi S, Nayar S, Ram JR, Mukerji S, & Chakrabarti B (2023). Autism community priorities in diverse low-resource settings: A country-wide scoping exercise in India. Autism, 13623613231154067. (pdf)
Monteagudo-Mera A, Fanti V, Rodriguez-Sobstel C, Gibson G, Wijeyesekera A, Karatzas KA, & Chakrabarti B (advance online). Gamma aminobutyric acid production by commercially available probiotic strains. Journal of Applied Microbiology (fulltext)
Mukherjee D, Bhavnani S, Lockwood Estrin G, Rao V, Dasgupta J, Irfan H, Chakrabarti B, Patel V, & Belmonte MK (2022). Digital tools for direct assessment of autism risk during early childhood: A systematic review. Autism, 13623613221133176. (pdf)
Dubey I, Brett S, Ruta L, Bishain R, Chandran S, Bhavnani S, Belmonte SK, Lockwood-Estrin G, Gliga T, & Chakrabarti B on behalf of the START consortium. (2022). Quantifying preference for social stimuli in young children using two tasks on a mobile platform. PloS one, 17(6), e0265587 (pdf)
Chandran VA, Pliatsikas C, Neufeld J, O’Connell G, Haffey A, DeLuca V, & Chakrabarti B. (2021). Brain structural correlates of autistic traits across the diagnostic divide: A grey matter and white matter microstructure study, Neuroimage: Clinical, 32, 102897 (pdf)
Thompson NM, van Reekum CM & Chakrabarti B (2021). Cognitive and Affective Empathy Relate Differentially to Emotion Regulation. Affective Science (pdf)
Honisch JJ, Mane P, Golan O, Chakrabarti B (2021). Keeping in time with social and non-social stimuli: Synchronisation with auditory, visual, and audio-visual cues. Scientific Reports, 11, 8805 (pdf)
Hedger N, & Chakrabarti B (2021). Autistic differences in the temporal dynamics of social attention. Autism, 1362361321998573. (pdf)
Hedger N, Dubey I, & Chakrabarti B (early access). Social Orienting and Social Seeking Behaviors in ASD. A Meta Analytic Investigation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (pdf)
Hedger N, Chakrabarti B (early access): To covet what we see: Autistic traits modulate the relationship between looking and choosing, Autism Research (pdf)
Sumathi TA, Spinola O, Singh NC, Chakrabarti B (2020): Perceived Closeness and Autistic Traits Modulate Interpersonal Vocal Communication, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:50 (pdf)
Thompson NM, Uusberg A, Gross JJ, Chakrabarti B (2019): Empathy and emotion regulation: An integrative account, Progress in Brain Research, 247, 273-304 (email for pdf)
Stuijfzand S, Chakrabarti B , Reynolds S, & Dodd HF (2019). Look out captain, I hear an ambiguous alien! A study of interpretation bias and anxiety in young children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 103450. (pdf)
Neufeld J, Hsu CT, & Chakrabarti B (2019). Atypical Reward-driven Modulation of Mimicry-related Neural Activity in Autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 327.(pdf)
Rayson H, Bonaiuto JJ, Ferrari PF, Chakrabarti B, & Murray L (2019). Building blocks of joint attention: Early sensitivity to having one’s own gaze followed. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 100631.(pdf)
Hedger N, Haffey A, McSorley E, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Empathy modulates the temporal structure of social attention. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285(1893), 20181716. (pdf)
Gray KL, Haffey A, Mihaylova HL, & Chakrabarti B (early online). Lack of Privileged Access to Awareness for Rewarding Social Scenes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (pdf)
Hsu CT, Sims TB, & Chakrabarti B (early online). How mimicry influences the neural correlates of reward: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia (pdf)
Carruthers S, Kinnaird E, Rudra A, Smith P, Allison C, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Wakabayashi A, Baron-Cohen S, Bakolis I, & Hoekstra RA (2018). A cross-cultural study of autistic traits across India, Japan and the UK. Molecular Autism, 9(1), 52. (pdf)
Murray L, Bozicevic LB, Ferrari PF, Vaillancourt K, Dalton L, Goodacre T, Chakrabarti B, Bicknell S, Cooper P, Stein A and De Pascalis L (in press) The effects of maternal mirroring on the development of infant social expressiveness: the case of infant cleft lip. Neural Plasticity.
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Ruigrok AN, Bullmore ET, Suckling J, Auyeung B, Happe F, Szatmari P, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium (in press). Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with ‘compensatory camouflaging’. Autism, (pdf)
Holt R, Upadhyay J, Smith P, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, & Chakrabarti B (2018). The Cambridge Sympathy Test: Self-reported sympathy and distress in autism. PloS one, 13(7), e0198273-e0198273.(pdf)
Chakraborty A, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Looking at my own Face: Visual Processing Strategies in Physical Self-representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 121.(link)
Pearcey S, Alkozei A, Chakrabarti B, Dodd H, Murayama K, Stuijfzand S, & Creswell C (2018). Do clinically anxious children cluster according to their expression of factors that maintain child anxiety?. Journal of affective disorders, 229, 469-476.(pdf).
O'Connell G, Hsu CT, Christakou A, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Thinking about others and the future: Neural correlates of perspective taking relate to preferences for delayed rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(1), 35-42 (pdf)
Hsu CT, Neufeld J, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Reduced reward related neural response to mimicry in individuals with autism. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47(6), 610-618 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B, Haffey A, Canzano L, Taylor C, & McSorley E (2017). Individual differences in responsivity to social rewards: Insights from two eye-tracking tasks. PLOS One, 12(10): e0185146.(pdf)
Ruta L, Famà FI, Bernava GM, Leonardi E, Tartarisco G, Falzone, A., Pioggia G, & Chakrabarti B (2017). Reduced preference for social rewards in a novel tablet based task in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Scientific Reports, 7 (pdf)
Rudra A, Belmonte MK, Soni PK, Banerjee S, Mukerji S, & Chakrabarti B (2017). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder and autistic symptoms in a school‐based cohort of children in Kolkata, India. Autism Research, 10(10), 1597-1605. (pdf)
Chakrabarti B (2017): Critical considerations for studying low-functioning autism. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 58, 436-438 (pdf)
De Pascalis L, Kkeli N, Chakrabarti B, Dalton L, Vaillancourt K, Rayson H, Bicknell S, Goodacre T, Cooper P, Stein A, & Murray, L. (2017). Maternal gaze to the infant face: Effects of infant age and facial configuration during mother-infant engagement in the first nine weeks. Infant Behavior and Development, 46, 91-99. (link)
Rudra A, Ram JR, Loucas T, Belmonte MK, & Chakrabarti B (2016). Bengali translation and characterisation of four cognitive and trait measures for autism spectrum conditions in India. Molecular Autism, 7(1), 50. (pdf)
Neufeld J, & Chakrabarti B (2016):Empathy Modulates the Rewarding Effect of Mimicry, Scientific Reports, 6, 27751 (pdf)
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Ruigrok AN, Chakrabarti B, Auyeung B, Szatmari P, Happe F, Baron-Cohen S & MRC AIMS Consortium. (in press). Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism, Autism (pdf)
Neufeld J, Ioannou C, Korb S, Schilbach L, Chakrabarti B (2016): Spontaneous Facial Mimicry is Modulated by Joint Attention and Autistic Traits. Autism Research, 9,781-789 (pdf)
Lombardo, MV, Lai MC, Auyeung B, Holt RJ, Allison C, Smith P, Chakrabarti B, Ruigrok AN, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, MRC AIMS Consortium, Ecker C, Craig MC, Murphy DGM, Happe F, Baron-Cohen S (2016). Unsupervised data-driven stratification of mentalizing heterogeneity in autism. Scientific Reports, 6, 35333 (pdf)
Farshim P, Walton G, Chakrabarti B, Givens I, Saddy D, Kitchen I, Swann JR & Bailey A (2016). Maternal Weaning Modulates Emotional Behavior and Regulates the Gut-Brain Axis. Scientific Reports, 6, 21958. (pdf)
Panasiti MS, Puzzo I, & Chakrabarti B (2016). Autistic Traits Moderate the Impact of Reward Learning on Social Behaviour. Autism Research, 9, 471-479 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B, Persico A, Battista N, Maccarrone M (2015): Endocannabinoid signalling in autism. Neurotherapeutics, 12, 4, 837-847 (pdf)
Chakraborty A, Chakrabarti B (2015): Is it me? Self-recognition bias across sensory modalities and its relationship to autistic traits. Molecular Autism, 6(1), 20.(pdf)
Trilla Gros I, Panasiti MS, Chakrabarti B (2015): The plasticity of the mirror system: How reward learning modulates cortical motor simulation of others. Neuropsychologia, 70, 255-262 (pdf)
O'Connell G, Christakou A, Chakrabarti B (2015): The role of simulation in intertemporal choices, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 94 (link)
Warrier V*, Chakrabarti B*, Murphy L, Chan A, Craig IW, Mallya U, Lakatosova S, Rhenstrom K, Peltonen L, Wheelwright S, Allison CL, Fisher SE, Baron-Cohen S (2015): A Pooled Genome-Wide Association Study of Asperger Syndrome, PLOS One, 10(7): e0131202. (pdf) (* joint first author)
Di Napoli A, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2015): Genetic variant rs17225178 in the ARNT2 gene is associated with Asperger Syndrome. Molecular Autism, 6(1), 9. (pdf)
Auyeung B, Lombardo MV, Heinrichs M, Chakrabarti B, Sule A, Deakin JB, Bethlehem RAI, Dickens L, Mooney N, Sipple JAN, Thiemman P, Baron-Cohen, S. (2015). Oxytocin increases eye contact during a real-time, naturalistic social interaction in males with and without autism. Translational psychiatry, 5(2), e507. (link)
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S. (2015): Sex/Gender Differences and Autism: Setting the Scene for Future Research. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 54(1), 11-24. (pdf)
Rudra A, Banerjee S, Singhal N, Barua M, Mukerji S, Chakrabarti B (2014): Translation and usability of autism screening and diagnostic tools for Autism Spectrum Conditions in India, Autism Research, 7(5), 598-607 (pdf) (Hindi & Bengali translations of AQ-C, SCDC)
Sims TB, Neufeld J, Johnstone IT, Chakrabarti B (2014): Autistic traits modulate frontostriatal connectivity during processing of rewarding faces, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(12), 2010-2016 (pdf)
Di Napoli A, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2014). Genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene is associated with Asperger Syndrome, Molecular autism, 5(1), 48 (pdf)
Durdiaková J, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, & Chakrabarti B (2014). Single nucleotide polymorphism rs6716901 in SLC25A12 gene is associated with Asperger syndrome. Molecular autism, 5(1), 25. (pdf)
Haffey AT, Press C, O'Connell G, Chakrabarti B (2013): Autistic traits modulate mimicry of social but not nonsocial rewards, Autism Research, 6, 614-620(pdf) (data)
Wilson CE, Happé F,Wheelwright SJ, Ecker C, Lombardo MV, Johnston P, Daly E, Murphy CM, Spain D, Lai MC, Chakrabarti B, Sauter D, MRC AIMS Consortium, Baron-Cohen S & Murphy, DG (2014). The Neuropsychology of Male Adults With High‐Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Autism Research (pdf)
Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2013): Genetic variation in GABRB3 is associated with Asperger Syndrome and multiple endophenotypes relevant to autism, Molecular Autism, 4, 48 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B (2013): Parameterising ecological validity and integrating individual differences within second-person neuroscience, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 36, 414-15
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Suckling JS, Ruigrok ANV,Chakrabarti B, Ecker C, Deoni SCL, Craig MC, Murphy DGM,Bullmore ET, MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen S (2013): Biological sex affects the neurobiology of autism, Brain, 136, 2799-2815 (pdf)
O'Connell G, Christakou A, Haffey AT, & Chakrabarti B (2013): The role of empathy in choosing rewards from another’s perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 174. (pdf)
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, & Baron-Cohen S (2013). Subgrouping the Autism “Spectrum". PLoS biology, 11(4), e1001544.(pdf)
Sucksmith E, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B*, & Hoekstra RA* (2013): Empathy and emotion recognition in people with autism, first-degree relatives, and controls. Neuropsychologia, 51 (1), 98-105 (pdf) (* joint senior authors)
Tavassoli T, Auyeung B, Murphy LC, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2012): Variation in autism candidate gene GABRB3 modulates tactile sensitivity in typically developing children, Molecular Autism, 3, 6 (pdf)
Sims TB, van Reekum C, Johnstone IT, Chakrabarti B (2012): How reward modulates mimicry: EMG evidence of greater mimicry of more rewarding happy faces, Psychophysiology, 49, 7, 998-1004 (pdf)
Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Lai, M-C, Taylor K, Hackett G, Bullmore ET and Baron-Cohen S (2012) Fetal Programming Effects of Testosterone on the Reward System and Behavioral Approach Tendencies in Humans, Biological Psychiatry, 72, 10, 839-847 (pdf)
Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Taylor K, Hackett G, Bullmore ET and Baron-Cohen S (2012): Fetal testosterone infuences sexually dimorphic gray matter in the human brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 2, 674-680 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2011): Variation in the human cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) gene modulates gaze duration for happy faces, Molecular Autism, 2, 10 (pdf)
Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo MV, Auyeung B, Ashwin E, Chakrabarti B and Knickmeyer, R (2011): Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males? PLOS Biology, 9,6 (pdf)
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Pasco G, Ruigrok ANV, Wheelwright SJ, Sadek SA, Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2011): A behavioral comparison of male and female adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions, PLOS One, 6, 6 (pdf)
Valentini E, Hu L, Chakrabarti B, Aglioti SM, Iannetti GD (2011): The primary somatosensory cortex largely contributes to the early part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive stimuli , Neuroimage, 59, 2, 1571-81 (link)
Ruta L, Ingudomnukul E, Taylor K, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2011): Increased serum androstenedione in adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 8, 1154- 1163 (Link)
Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium (2011): Specialization of Right Temporo Parietal Junction for mentalizing and its relation to social impairments in autism, Neuroimage,56,3, 1832-1838 (Link)
Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Sadek S, Pasco G, Wheelwright SJ, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium, Suckling J (2010): A shift to randomness of brain oscillations in people with autism, Biological Psychiatry, 68,12, 1092-1099 (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2010): Eyes, amygdala, and other models of face processing: Question for the SIMS model, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33,6,440-441(pdf)
Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Sadek S, Pasco G, Wheelwright S, Suckling J, MRC AIMS Consortium, Baron-Cohen S (2010): Atypical neural self-representation in autism, Brain, 133, 611-24 (Link)
Chakrabarti B, Dudbridge F, Kent L, Hill-Cawthorne G, Wheelwright S, Allison C, Banerjee-Basu S, Baron-Cohen S (2009): Genes related to sex steroids, neural growth and social-emotional behaviour are associated with autistic traits and Asperger Syndrome, Autism Research, 2, 3, 157-177 (pdf)
Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Wheelwright S, Sadek S, Suckling J, Baron-Cohen S (2009):Shared neural circuits for mentalizing about the self and others, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 7, 1623-35. (pdf)
Minio-Paluello I, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Wheelwright SJ, Baron-Cohen S (2009): Reply to Smith's letter to the editor 'Emotional empathy in autism spectrum conditions: Weak, intact, or heightened?' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39,12, 1749-1754 (pdf)
Baron-Cohen S, Ashwin E, Ashwin C, Tavassoli T, Chakrabarti B (2009): Talent in autism: hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail and sensory hypersensitivity, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B (Biological Sciences), 364, 1377-1383 (pdf)
Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2009): The amygdala in autism: not adapting to faces? American Journal of Psychiatry, 166,4, 395-7 (pdf)
Chura LR, Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2010): Organizational effects of foetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35,1,122-132 (pdf)
Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2009): What neuroimaging and perceptions of self-other similarity can tell us about the mechanism underlying mentalizing, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 32, 32-33 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2008): Can the shared circuits model explain joint attention and the perception of discrete emotions? Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 31, 24-25 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B, Kent L, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2006): Variations in the human Cannabinoid Receptor (CNR1) gene modulate striatal response to happy faces, European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 1944-1948 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2006):Empathising with basic emotions: Common and discrete neural substrates, Social Neuroscience, 1, 364-384 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2006): Empathizing: Neurocognitive developmental mechanisms and individual differences, in Anders S, Ende G, Junghofer M, Kissler J and Wildgruber D (ed.s), special volume on Understanding Emotions, Progress in Brain Research, 156, 403-418 (pdf)
Chakrabarti B and Brahmachari SK (2000): DNA Chip: the What's , the Why's and the How's, Resonance (Indian Academy of Sciences), 5,12, 34-40 (pdf)
Book Chapters
Chakraborty A, Lawson A, & Chakrabarti B (2023): Self-face and self-voice representation: Insights for and from Autism, chapter in Keenan, Quevedo, and Hopkins (Ed.s), Self Face Recognition and the Brain, Routledge, NY
Winkielman P, Carr EW, Chakrabarti B, Hofree G, Cavanagh LC (2016): Mimicry, emotion, and social context: Insights from typical and atypical humans, robots, and androids, in Hess U, Fischer A. (ed.s), Mimicry in social context
Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2012): Genes related to autistic traits and empathy, in Ebstein RP, Chew SH, Shamay-Tsoory S (ed.s), From DNA to Cognition, Wiley-Blackwell
Lombardo MV, Baron-Cohen S, Belmonte MK, and Chakrabarti B. (2011). Neural endophenotypes of social behaviour in autism spectrum conditions. In Decety J and Cacioppo J (Eds.) Handbook of Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
Baron-Cohen S and Chakrabarti B (2009): Social neuroscience, in Reed J and Rogers J (ed.s), Child Neuropsychology, Blackwells
Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2008): In the eyes of the beholder: How empathy influences emotion perception, in Adams R, Ambady N, Nakayama K, Shinsuke S (ed.s), The Science of Social Vision, Oxford University Press
Baron-Cohen S, Golan O, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2008): Autism Spectrum Conditions, in Sharp C, Fonagy P, Goodyer I (ed.s), Social Cognition and Developmental Psychopathology, Oxford University Press
Goldenfeld N, Baron-Cohen S, Wheelwright S, Ashwin C, Chakrabarti B (2006): Empathizing and Systemizing in males and females, and in Autism Spectrum Conditions, in Farrow T and Woodruff P (ed.s), Empathy and Mental Illness, Cambridge University Press
Chakrabarti B (2023): India needs a national programme on autism, The Hindu (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2022): On the science of boredom [Bengali], Daakbangla (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2020): On why we need others [Bengali], Anushtup, Anandabazar Patrika (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2018): Diagnostic labels for mental health conditions are not always useful, The Conversation (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2016): Beyond citations: Why scientists need to engage with public, Spectrum (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2014): Explainer: What is emotional contagion and can you catch it on facebook?, The Conversation (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2014): Unpicking the autism puzzle by linking empathy to reward, The Conversation (Link)
Chakrabarti B (2009): Genetics of Autism: A briefing paper, National Autistic Society UK
Chakrabarti B (2009): Op-ed on basic science research in India, Financial Express, India (published version; original pdf)
Chakrabarti B (2003): Undergraduate science education in India: Possible remedies to an old problem?, Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences), 84,1,18-20 (pdf)
Selected Media Coverage
Research on the gut-brain axis featured by The Guardian (2023)
Research on auditory features of social conversations covered by Anandabazar Patrika [Bengali] (2020)
Research on reward, empathy, and autism, featured by British Council (2015)
Invited speaker at the Science Museum event on 'Who's Driving Brain Research?', London UK (2014)
National and international media (including the BBC, Sciencedaily, AAAS, NPR, der Spiegel, la Stampa, SFARI, Times of India) coverage of research on genetic differences in looking at happy faces. (2011)
Research on autism genetics featured in Science Daily news. (2009)
Research on emotion perception featured by Scientific American website (2009)
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